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Song of Solomon

Author – Solomon
Time – About 960 B.C.

Summary – It consists of speeches in Hebrew poetry. It depicts the beauty and pure love between a man and a woman which develops into a mature undying relationship. Some believe that it shows the relationship between Christ and his bride, the body of believers, which will be consummated at his return. The basic message is the purity and sacredness of love. There are various interpretations, we will give just one.

Passage Subject
1 v 1 to 8 Song 1: The ardent love and becoming humility of the bride
1 v 9 to 2 v 7 Song 2: Love’s communion and self–sacrificing devotion
2 v 8 to 17 Song 3: Signs of the bridegroom’s coming
3 v 1 to 5 Song 4: His sudden appearance
3 v 6 to 4 v 7 Song 5: The splendour of marriage
4 v 8 to 5 v 1 Song 6: Entering the inheritance
5 v 2 to 6 v 10 Song 7: The first advent call and espousal of the bride
6 v 11 to 13 Song 8: Anticipating his coming
7 v 1 to 9 Song 9: The flowing beauty of the bride
7 v 10 to 8 v 4 Song 10: The bride’s deep longing and ardent desire for the groom’s return
8 v 5 to 7 Song 11: The joy and communion of true marriage
8 v 8 to 14 Song 12: Love’s labour in the future

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