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Author – Ezekiel
Time – 593 – 560 B.C.

Summary – Ezekiel was taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar and taken to Babylon. This book records his activities during his exile in Babylon. His message was directed to his fellow countrymen who were still in Palestine, and later to his fellow captives in Babylon. He gave the good news to his fellow exiles that the nation, after being chastened, would be restored to their own land and God’s Kingdom would rise. This yet future Kingdom will last forever, and God’s people will never again be cast out.

Prophecies against Judah and Jerusalem – Chapter 1 v 1 to 24 v 27

Passage Subject
1 v 1 to 3 v 27 Introduction : The call of Ezekiel
4 v 1 to 7 v 27 Overthrow of city and state predicted
8 v 1 to 11 v 25 The sin and fate of Jerusalem
12 v 1 to 19 v 14 Moral necessity of the captivity
20 v 1 to 24 v 27 Israel’s coming downfall inevitable and necessary

Prophecies against foreign nations: – Chapter 25 v 1 to 32 v 32

Passage Subject
25 v 1 to 7 Ammon
25 v 8 to 11 Moab
25 v 12 to 14 Edom
25 v 15 to 17 Philistines
26 v 1 to 28 v 19 Tyre
28 v 20 to 26 Sidon
29 v 1 to 32 v 32 Egypt

Prophecies of the restitution of Israel – Chapter 33 v 1 to 39 v 29

Passage Subject
33 v 1 to 33 The prophet: His function in preparation for the new age
34 v 1 to 31 The corrupt priesthood
35 v 1 to 36 v 38 The land: Israel to be restored and made fruitful
37 v 1 to 28 The People: resurrection of the dry bones of Israel; Reunion of Judah and Israel
38 v 1 to 39 v 29 Peace: The Lord to defend Israel against Gog’s invasion

Vision of the new Temple and the new Law – Chapter 40 v 1 to 48 v 35

Passage Subject
40 v 1 to 43 v 27 Description of the new Temple
44 v 1 to 46 v 24 A new service of worship with an ideal ministry and sacrificial system
47 v 1 to 48 v 35 Israel reorganised according to tribal divisions

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